Compost Toilets

Two and a half billion people in this world do not have toilets. People in the developed world can't imagine living without a toilet, but it's the normal situation for many billions of human beings. Imagine if your toilet is a hole in the ground some distance from your dwelling, kept far away because of the odor and the flies. Imagine if you are elderly, or have trouble walking, or are dealing with a large family, or have many little children, or are sick, or have diarrhea. How nice it would be to have a toilet indoors at night when it's raining; an odorless toilet that doesn't pollute the environment, one that eliminates human disease organisms. That's what compost toilets are: a solution to the sanitation problem where water toilets will never work.

Watu bilioni mbili na nusu hapa duniani hawana vyoo. Watu katika ulimwengu wenye maendeleo hawawezi kufikiria kuishi bila choo, lakini ni hali ya kawaida kwa mabilioni ya wanadamu. Fikiria kama choo chako ni shimo kwenye ardhi umbali fulani kutoka kwenye makao yako, umeendelea mbali kwa sababu ya harufu na nzi. Fikiria kama wewe ni wazee, au shida kutembea, au unashughulikia familia kubwa, au una watoto wadogo, au una wagonjwa, au una maradhi. Ni vizuri sana kuwa na choo ndani wakati wa usiku, mvua, choo cha harufu isiyosafisha mazingira, ambayo hupunguza viumbe vya ugonjwa wa binadamu. Hivyo ndiyo vyoo vya mbolea ni: suluhisho la tatizo la usafi wa mazingira ambako vyoo vya maji hayawezi kamwe.



If you would like to help us financially, please send us an email. We can connect you to the proper funding channels.



Compost toilets are being adopted in Kenya, Uganda, Ghana, Tanzania, and worldwide, not just in Africa. Contact us if you're working in this field and let's see if we can help each other out!



We need help in any way possible, from transport of materials, to construction of toilets, to creating cover materials, to making compost bins, to training compost managers and end users.

The compost toilet crew in Dongobesh, Tanzania, Africa.

We work throughout Tanzania, East Africa.

Tunafanya kazi nchini Tanzania, Mashariki mwa Afrika.

Teaching people how to make compost and gardens instead of sewage and pollution is a challenge. This represents a revolution in the lives of many people who have never heard of compost and didn't know such a thing existed.

Kufundisha watu jinsi ya kufanya mbolea na bustani badala ya maji taka na uchafuzi wa mazingira ni changamoto. Hii inawakilisha mapinduzi katika maisha ya watu wengi ambao hawajawahi kusikia ya mbolea na hawakujua kuwa kitu hicho kilikuwepo.

We organize community educational seminars. We construct compost toilets. We build compost bins. We teach people how to correctly use compost toilets and how to manage compost piles. We are doing this on a shoe string budget and we do the best we can with what we have. It's life changing for all involved.

Learn More about humanure


Our first project in Tanzania, thanks to an Australian named Ruth Dykyj, is coordinated by Joseph Lawrence Lacha, of Dongobesh and Arusha. Joseph is a leading visionary in the compost toilet movement in Tanzania.

Mradi wetu wa kwanza nchini Tanzania, kwa sababu ya Australia mmoja aitwaye Ruth Dykyj, unaunganishwa na Joseph Lawrence Lacha, wa Dongobesh na Arusha. Joseph ni mwonekano wa kuongoza katika harakati ya choo ya choo nchini Tanzania.

Dongobesh, Tanzania, Africa.

The World Heath Organization:

"Billions of people live without access to even the most basic sanitation services. Billions more are exposed to harmful pathogens through the inadequate management of sanitation systems, causing people to be exposed to excreta in their communities, in their drinking water, fresh produce, and through their recreational water activities."

Dongobesh, Tanzania, Africa.

Billions of People Live on $2.00 a Day or Less

Providing comfortable, secure, convenient, odorless, indoor, sanitary toilets for low-income people is a dilemma that has vexed developers and sanitation workers for generations. Billionaire philanthropists try to reinvent the toilet by creating yet another hi-tech disposal device, priced way out of reach of those who need it the most.

Compost toilet in Dongobesh, Tanzania, Africa.

Compost Toilets Provide a Realistic Solution

Human excrement is a recyclable resource. It has value as food for microbes. The microbes eat it, along with just about any other organic materials we can throw at them, and they convert it to compost. When composting is used as a sanitation system, sewage can be eliminated, as can diseases associated with fecal contamination of the environment.

Compost Sanitation Requires Training

The microbiological transformation of organic material into compost and soil is something most people have never even heard of. Yet, the processes are simple and within the grasp of even the most primitive cultures.

Mabadiliko ya microbiolojia ya nyenzo za kikaboni kwenye mbolea na udongo ni kitu ambacho watu wengi hawajawahi kusikia. Hata hivyo, taratibu hizi ni rahisi na zinaweza kufahamu hata tamaduni nyingi za kale.

Compost toilet training in Dongobesh, Tanzania, Africa.

Compost Bins

Organic material is piled above ground in compost bins to enable its aerobic decomposition.

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Dongobesh, Tanzania, Africa.

No Electricity, No Water? No Problem!

Compost toilets don't need running water or electricity. They also don't need vents, drains, or urine separation.

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The village elders in Dongobesh, Tanzania, Africa.

A Sanitation Revolution is Needed

Village elders gather in Dongobesh, Tanzania to learn about compost toilets.

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Dongobesh, Tanzania, Africa.

Beautiful People

All people everywhere in the world deserve safe, dignified, and affordable sanitation. We can help make it happen.

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Meet our Team

Joseph Lawrence Lacha is dedicated to improving the lives of his community.

Joseph Lawrence Lacha anajitolea kuboresha maisha ya jamii yake.

Joseph Lawrence Lacha, Field Director.

Joseph Lawrence Lacha

Field Director

Joseph teaches about compost toilets, and provides consulting services nationwide. P O.Box 2329, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania; Ph: +255 763 888 148; Email

Dativa Shilla, Office Director

Dativa Shilla (PhD)

Office Director

Department of Chemistry, Dar es Salaam University College of Education (DUCE), Box 2329, Dar es Salaam Tanzania; Tel. +255 717173869 / +255 787409846

Joseph Jenkins, consultant advisor

Joe Jenkins


Joe Jenkins, author of the Humanure Handbook, and The Compost Toilet Handbook, from the USA, provides voluntary consulting and support services worldwide. Email

Humanure Tanzania Partners


We are grateful., with Alisa Keesey as Program Director and Samuel Souza as Compost Instructor. Email